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Съдове за готвене

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Форма за мъфини LAMART LT3072 BASE, 35,5 x 26,5 см, 12 мъфина

MUFF. 12CUP 35,5X26,5 BASE
The moulds are resistant to temperatures from - 60 to +230°C without changing their properties or technical parameters. They can be used in standard ovens but can also be placed in the refrigerator. The anti-adhesiveness of the moulds ensures quick and easy removal of the finished product from the mould.Moulds can easily be cleaned under running water using a sponge or in a dishwasher.
Цена: 15.99лв.

Термос LAMART LT4032, 1,5 л.

STAINLESS STEEL VACUUM FLASK 1.5L. Vacuum flask made from high quality stainless steel. Screw mechanism for opening the vacuum flask made from high quality plastic. Stainless steel insert makes the vacuum flask practically indestructible. Locking mechanism prevents accidental opening
Цена: 42.99лв.

Комплект тенджери LAMART LT1009 KIMS, 5 броя

Dimensions: Ø16,18 and 20 cm; Height - 7,5; 8,5 and 9,5 cm, universal lid - 16,18,20 cm
Volume: 1, 2 and 2,5l
Made from first-class stainless steel. Designer stainless steel cookware made from first-class stainless steel includes a solid sandwich base with a very elegant removable handle for improved storage. Included are stainless steel lids that match the pot sizes. Suitable for all types of stoves. Easy maintenance and cleaning
Цена: 99.99лв.

Тиган с капак LAMART LT1176 FLINT

Made from very durable aluminium. The pan has an inner marble surface that is resistant against abrasion and baking on, with a thick base and a very elegant soft handle. The non-stick marble material without the use of PFOA (no toxic substances are emitted when overheated) is very heat resistant, prevents food from baking on, healthy cooking. Easy maintenance and cleaning.
Цена: 59.99лв.

Тава за печене със стъклен капак LAMART LT1156 ROCK

  • Обем 7,5 л.:
    • тава 5,5 л.
    • капак за готвене 2 л.
  • Съд от лят алуминий, стъклен капак за готвене
Цена: 99.99лв.

Комплект тави за печене LAMART LT1105 DOUBLE, 3 л., 9 л.

  • Бретер 9 литра
  • Капак 3 литра
  • Изработен от високо устойчив алуминий
  • Отлична топлопроводимост
Цена: 169.99лв.
Цена: 7.99лв.

Форма за мини мъфини LAMART LT3071 BASE, 26,5 x 18 см, 6 мъфина

  • Изработено от много здрава въглеродна стомана
  • Устойчива на високи температурни разлики
  • Подходящ за фурна за печене или фурна с горещ въздух
Цена: 9.99лв.

Тава за печене LAMART LT3076 BASE, 43 х 29 х 1,8 см.

  • Изработено от много здрава въглеродна стомана
  • Устойчив на високи температурни разлики
  • Може да се използва във фурна за печене или фурна с горещ въздух
Цена: 14.99лв.

Тава за печене LAMART LT3075 BASE, 42 х 29 х 5 см.

The moulds are resistant to temperatures from - 60 to +230°C without changing their properties or technical parameters. They can be used in standard ovens but can also be placed in the refrigerator. The anti-adhesiveness of the moulds ensures quick and easy removal of the finished product from the mould.Moulds can easily be cleaned under running water using a sponge or in a dishwasher.
Цена: 17.99лв.

Спортна бутилка за вода LAMART LT4057, 700 мл.

Sports bottle. Reclosable nozzle sealing mechanism with silicone seal prevents the bottle from opening. Very light, comfortable for outdoor use. Easy care and cleaning.
Цена: 19.00лв.

Спортна бутилка за вода LAMART LT4056, 700 мл.

Sports bottle. Reclosable nozzle sealing mechanism with silicone seal prevents the bottle from opening. Very light, comfortable for outdoor use. Easy care and cleaning.
Цена: 19.00лв.
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